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How to install Plasma Phone Kubuntu on Nexus 5

In      Asked By : max payne
Tags : kubuntu, plasma phone OS, install, reference :     Posted date:   2015-07-27 13:41:40

How to backup and restore windows in 10 mins

In      Asked By : max payne
Tags : windows, backup, restore, 10 mins, acorns, true, image :     Posted date:   2015-03-10 14:34:51

VMware on Mac - Ubuntu 64 bit recover root password

In      Asked By : max payne
Tags : ubuntu, vmware, linux, root, password, reset :     Posted date:   2014-08-31 18:50:48

Installing Hercules Emulator (System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture )

In      Asked By : James Bond
Tags : hercules, main frame, emulator, mvs, ibm :     Posted date:   2013-12-23 20:57:23

How to run Windows XP on PowerPC Macs

In      Asked By : geek man
Tags : windows, mac :     Posted date:   2013-10-10 12:19:47

How Acme Art, Inc was Hacked.

In      Asked By : OSC
Tags : acme, linux, hacked, web, hacker :     Posted date:   2013-08-21 12:37:31

Installing Software over a network

In      Asked By : john morris
Tags : windows, software, network :     Posted date:   2013-08-17 04:45:21

How to install Ubuntu on Oracle VirtualBox on Mac or Windows

In      Asked By :
Tags : mac, ubuntu, install, oracle_Virtual_Box, linux :     Posted date:   2013-07-27 11:07:05

How to Enable SSH on Your Mac and access mac files remotely via SSH

In      Asked By :
Tags : ssh, mac, remote, iphone, iPad :     Posted date:   2013-07-27 09:25:35

“Open and Repair” command to perform Excel recovery?

In      Asked By : James Bond
Tags : windows, excel :     Posted date:   2013-07-23 12:51:09

How to Write an RFID Worm

In      Asked By : geek man
Tags : worm, virus, write, windows :     Posted date:   2013-07-03 15:57:40

Dual Booting Windows 98 (with FAT32) and Windows NT

In      Asked By : geek man
Tags : windows 95, dual boot :     Posted date:   2013-06-27 14:21:30

How to create an Exchange account with your iPad / iPhone / iPod Touch

In      Asked By : James Bond
Tags : iOS, Exchange account, mail, iPhone :     Posted date:   2013-06-01 19:13:50

How to restore OS X without the disc

In      Asked By : James Bond
Tags : Mac, restore, OS X :     Posted date:   2013-06-01 19:04:06

Dual booting Windows and Ubuntu

In      Asked By : James Bond
Tags : linux :     Posted date:   2013-05-28 14:30:05

Converting JPGs To PDF Document On Macintosh

In      Asked By : OSC
Tags : mac :     Posted date:   2013-04-17 13:49:55

Protect your system from computer virus

In      Asked By : OSC
Tags : windows, computer, virus, online, internet :     Posted date:   2013-03-08 14:53:29

iPhone as personal hotspot

In      Asked By : OSC
Tags : iphone, hotspot :     Posted date:   2013-02-13 05:42:46

macbook pro as wifi hotspot

In      Asked By : OSC
Tags : mac, wifi, internet, hotspot :     Posted date:   2013-01-26 10:12:57

how to take a screen shot of any iPhone screen

In      Asked By : OSC
Tags : iOS, screen shot, iPhone :     Posted date:   2013-01-19 06:15:28
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