Mircrosoft working with Xiaomi to convert Android phones to Windows 10.
Post by: max
An interesting piece of information shared by Microsoft today amid its confirmation that Windows 10 will go on sale this summer. They revealed that it is testing Windows 10 with “power users” of Xiaomi’s flagship Mi 4 Android smartphone. The initiative, which Xiaomi stressed is not a partnership but merely assistance with the trial, is an interesting one because it again shows Microsoft’s new ‘platform agnostic’ approach.
"Neither Microsoft nor Xiaomi provided specific details of the Windows 10 software being trialled, but TechCrunch understands from sources that it effectively overrides Android, turning the Xiaomi phone into a Windows 10 device complete with Microsoft services. (Which the company hopes will dazzle Android owners into making the switch.)
That's to say that the software doesn't offer a dual boot option, which Microsoft has pushed in the past in India. This is a ROM, based on Windows, that operates much like software from Cyanogen - a company Microsoft was incorrectly linked with an investment in - and other custom ROMs developed by the likes of Tencent and Baidu in China."
Microsoft releasing Windows 10 ROMs for popular Android phones is a great way to get enthusiasts interested in trying out your platform.