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  • Plasma Phone OS - A free OS for your smart phone

    Post by: max

    Plasma phone OS (a.k.a Plasma Phone) - basically a mobile version of the desktop Plasma user interface. The software is based on the Kubuntu operating system with an Android graphics driver, the kwin/Wayland display server. A complete software stack for mobile devices which includes the  following technologies:


    1)A plasma workspace/plasma based shell

    2)KWIN/KWayland libhybris(only on ARM)







    It also allows to run various Qt/GTK/X11-based applications, for example:


    1)Plasma apps

    2)Ubuntu Touch (.click) apps

    3)Gnome apps (e.g. Gnome Chess)

    4)X11 (e.g. xmame)


    Also other Qt-based apps like Sailfish OS or Nemo. Packages can be installed by "apt-get install packagename".



    Plasma Mobile turns your phone into a fully open hacking device, just like a PC. Its considered as "Free OS for your phone".



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