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VMware on Mac - Ubuntu 64 bit recover root password

  1. Launch VMware and select ubuntu and launch it. If it resumes to a session then on the top file bar of VMware select virtual machine then select reboot. 
  2. Press and Hold the "Shift” button to access the GRUB
  3. From the GRUB select option "Advanced option for ubuntu" and hit enter and next screen select "Recover Mode"
  4. You will see bunch of letters and numbers(don't worry) now you should see recovery menu window with options
  5. select "root   Drop to root shell prompt", it will drop you into the root command prompt
  6. The file system during recovery mode will typically be mounted as read-only – so you cannot modify anything here so you need to execute    #mount -rw -o remount /            
  7. the above command is to mount the file system read write.
  8. Now you are root. To reset the password        #passwd root
  9. It will prompt you to type new password and retype new password again. 
  10. Exit-Reboot and you are fine !!

Tags : ubuntu, vmware, linux, root, password, reset

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