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How to install Plasma Phone Kubuntu on Nexus 5


On an *(U)buntu system, install “ubuntu-device-flash” and “phablet-tools” package.

On arch, install “phablet-tools”: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/phablet-tools
Get a Nexus 5 and unlock it: https://www.androidpit.com/how-to-unlock-nexus-5-bootloader

Put into firmware mode and run:

fastboot format cache $ fastboot format userdata
ubuntu-device-flash --server="http://kubuntu.plasma-mobile.org" touch --channel="kubuntu-phone/devel" --bootstrap --developer-mode --password 1234

or for latest developer image run:

ubuntu-device-flash --server="http://kubuntu.plasma-mobile.org" touch --channel="kubuntu-phone/devel-proposed" --bootstrap --developer-mode --password 1234

Now log in with

adb shell

and execute

sudo resize-root-partition

Tags : kubuntu, plasma phone OS, install, reference

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